Secondary Students
By the time a student reaches high school, learning difficulties may cause them to feel discouraged and frustrated. Adolescents who struggle at school often give up and may display behavioural or emotional problems that undermine their potential for learning. An assessment can provide a better understanding of the difficulties, and will allow the student to receive the assistance they require to be successful now, and in college or university.
After an assessment, the student will receive feedback on his/her performance, and a comprehensive report will be prepared for the parents.
Colleges and Universities will require an assessment (not more than 3 years old) before providing accommodations to students who qualify because of documented disabilities.
Please remember that colleges and universities provide outstanding accommodations for students with a diagnosed disability.

A psycho-educational assessment is a highly structured process used to obtain information regarding an individual’s learning style, and can help the student and his/her teachers understand why he/she may be struggling academically and/or behaviourally. The standardized instruments used in the assessment measure the proficiency with which an individual uses language, as well as various types of reasoning skills. Several aspects of memory, attention, and organizational skills are also evaluated. The efficiency with which written work is completed and the ability to interpret and analyze visually-presented material are also assessed.
Reading, spelling, written expression and mathematics are also measured. When appropriate, a diagnosis of a learning disability, attentional or other emotional disorder may be made.
CogMed Working Memory Training is an evidence-based program for helping children, adolescents, and adults improve attention by training their working memory. It does so through web-based training programs that are age and ability appropriate. CogMed follows a research-based training schedule that is critical to its success. The program offers a flexible schedule of 25 training sessions lasting 45 minutes each, over 5 weeks. During training, the trainee’s performance is tracked online and can be viewed by the trainee and the CogMed coach who communicates with the trainee to assist him/her for the duration of the program.
University-based research demonstrates statistically significant results.
Social Skills and Anxiety Reduction Groups
Our practice offers groups for children and adolescents. These social skills groups are effective tools for learning to communicate with others. This program is beneficial for a child with social anxiety, awkwardness, AD/HD, or any diagnosis that impedes their ability to relate to others. In our Anxiety Reduction groups, the participants learn the strategies necessary to reduce and cope with the symptoms of anxiety. Parent participation maximizes outcomes.
Individual Therapy
We also offer individual therapy for children, adolescents, and adults aimed at reducing the symptoms of anxiety, depression, and emotional distress. Several modalities are available at Chisholm, depending on the orientation of the therapist and the needs of the client.
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Below is a list of issues that may affect a student’s ability to be successful in school:
Learning Disabilities and Learning Disorders (e.g., Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, and Dyscalculia), Language Disorders, Phonological Processing, Graphomotor Functioning, Memory, Executive Functioning, Developmental Delays, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Intellectual Developmental Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Anxiety Disorders (e.g., Generalized Anxiety, Social Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Selective Mutism, Separation Anxiety, School Refusal), Mood Disorders (Depression), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and Tic Disorders.
Contact Us
Chisholm Psychology Centre is the practice of Dr. Emily Bryntwick, Ph.D., C.Psych. and Ms. Sonia Khan, M.A., C.Psych., Psychologists
1484 Cornwall Road Oakville,
Ontario Canada L6J 7W5
Telephone: (905) 844-3240
Fax (905) 844-7321