Chisholm Services
All clients are seen by registered psychologists, psychological associates, or staff members who hold a Master’s degree in psychology and who receive extensive supervision by a registered member of the College of Psychologists of Ontario.
Psychoeducational Assessments
A psychoeducational assessment clarifies a student’s learning style, including any underlying challenges, and helps to determine the most effective strategies for academic success.

ADHD Assessments
The purpose of an ADHD assessment is to provide recommendations and strategies to address challenges with focus and executive functioning (including impulse control, emotion regulation, and planning/organization) that impair functioning at school, at work, and/or in relationships.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Assessments
An ASD assessment evaluates whether the social, behavioural, and emotional challenges an individual is experiencing are attributable to an autism spectrum disorder, and helps to determine appropriate school and/or community-based supports.

IQ Assessments
An intellectual (IQ) assessment is useful for bright, high-achieving students to determine if school-based enrichment opportunities and programming are appropriate.

Psychotherapy is helpful for individuals experiencing emotional distress to cope more effectively with daily challenges.

Let's Talk About Your Concerns
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Below is a list of issues that may affect a student’s ability to be successful in school:
Learning Disabilities and Learning Disorders (e.g., Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, and Dyscalculia), Language Disorders, Phonological Processing, Graphomotor Functioning, Memory, Executive Functioning, Developmental Delays, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Intellectual Developmental Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Anxiety Disorders (e.g., Generalized Anxiety, Social Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Selective Mutism, Separation Anxiety, School Refusal), Mood Disorders (Depression), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and Tic Disorders.
Contact Us
Chisholm Psychology Centre is the practice of Dr. Emily Bryntwick, Ph.D., C.Psych. and Ms. Sonia Khan, M.A., C.Psych., Psychologists
1484 Cornwall Road Oakville,
Ontario Canada L6J 7W5
Telephone: (905) 844-3240
Fax (905) 844-7321